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London English Courses

If you are coming to London to learn English, you can expect to have a great time in one of the world's most exciting cities. One of the great things about visiting the city to learn English is that you are likely to meet people from all over the world as London is one of the great international cities and has been for hundreds of years. A typical English school London may well see visitors from Europe, Africa, South America and Asia all at the same time, which creates a uniquely cosmopolitan atmosphere.

There are generally two types of English courses UK offered by language schools in London. The first type is aimed at young language learners from around the world who are in town for a short period of time (from a week to a couple of months) and wish to practice English in an English-speaking environment. These courses are generally quite light-hearted but are often offered in quite dense packages, so that maximum progress can be made in the shortest possible time. A heavier focus may be placed on 'survival English' than on harder areas, such as grammer.

The second type of course offered by many London language schools is aimed at new entrants to Great Britain who do not have the English skills necessary to function in society. London has a long history of immigration and is a city partially defined by the waves of newcomers who have arrived over the years. While the rate of immigration now is not as high as fifty years ago, a significant number of people from around the world come to live in and around the city every year. A large number of new arrivals in recent years have come from Eastern Europe, where there has traditionally been less of an emphasis placed on learning English than in other parts of the world. This means that there are many people living in the UK - perfectly legally - who cannot speak English. The government identified this as a potential societal problem and provide funding for English courses in London and all across Britain aimed at new arrivals.

If you are choosing an English school England has a number of the best in the world. Being the home of the language, this should come as no surprise. It is important to choose the right course for your needs: if you are a young visitor coming for a couple of weeks of good times in London, your needs will be different to a new arrival who needs the basics of English in order to apply for jobs or benefits.

The majority of schools are located in and around the >West End, where students are free to explore the great tourist attractions for which London is famous.

Once you have cracked English in London, why not consider taking your language skills to another level? You can take a specialised language course for example; whilst taking the opportunity to explore another English speaking country you could learn all the relevant vocabulary to a specific career and see your professional options rise ten-fold as a happy consequence. Don’t forget, the opportunities for language learning are never-ending!

Your language learning experience will be so valuable – you’ll be able to use it throughout your whole life in a surprisingly gigantic range of fields – anything from working in a fair trade kitchen in a stylish city restaurant to helping charities worldwide. It’s the aid which helps you make friends, identify with different cultures and integrate yourself into communities – what more reason do you need to look into language learning today?

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