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Your Teacher Appreciation Ideas
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Your teacher appreciation ideas: Ideas for home-made gifts

It’s always nice to do something with a picture of your teacher. Secretly make a picture if you want it to be a real surprise, so don´t forget to put off the flash! :) You can make a kind of caricature of your teacher using some pictures you find in magazines or newspapers. I will tell you more about an example that me and some classmates made. We had a teacher that looked a lot like the man in a famous advertisement of cleaning products. So we cut out the teacher’s face from a picture and we glued it on the ad. We also changed the slogan. To make your artwork look more professional you can put it in a frame. One more advice: be funny and original but always stay nice! Good luck!
Idea by: Ilona
A lot of people bring something to eat or drink on Teacher’s Day. It’s an easy present and it’s a good present, but the following ideas might make it more original. Ever thought of making customized candy bars or drinks? You can make an own special wrap for the bottle or packaging. You can write a message or a poem on it, you can make a nice drawing, you can put a picture of the teacher or from yourself on it, or make a combination of the previous things. Anything is possible! Just use your imagination!
Idea by: Elena
In a lot of shops you can buy cups, frames, awards, … that say “for the best teacher” or some similar phrase. Those are things you can easily make yourself too. Maybe you have some old medallion that you don’t use any more. Decorate this with a message for your teacher, maybe you can also glue a picture of him / her on it. You can also make a special frame with your message to your teacher. Make a nice drawing or make a poem that you write down in a calligraphic way. One more possibility. If you want to give your teacher something he / she can really use, go for a cup or a glass. In creative shops you can buy pens that are made especially for writing on glass or porcelain. The ink won’t come off when washing it. So if you have a nice poem or message for your teacher, this might be an original way of presenting it.
Idea by: Laura
It´s always nice to bring something to eat for your teacher and classmates. But what if making cookies or cake doesn’t really work out for you? Going to the supermarket or bakery store is one option, but it’s nicer to give your present a personal touch. I suggest the following. Go to the supermarket like you would normally do and buy a cake or some muffins. Than don’t go to school straight away, but take the cake home. You can easily decorate it in a nice way. Some possibilities. Decorate the cake with things like chocolates, raisins, almonds or other nice things you will find in the bakery section of the supermarket. To glue them on the cake, you can easily make a glazing of sugar or chocolate (you can for example use different types of chocolate). The artists among us could even write a message with that glazing, other can just buy chocolate characters. Be creative & enjoy!
Idea by: Lena
In my school, it was also usual to show your teacher appreciation after special events such as school productions or concerts. I remember one year, after the Christmas play (to which our teacher dedicated a lot of time and effort) our class gave the teacher a great present: we had one of the parents film the class production and then later, once it was over, we recorded a personalised thank you message back stage. Along with some flowers and chocolate, the video made for a special gift which held many memories. Of course you don’t need to be in any kind of play do this: recording a message is a cheap and easy gift which the teacher can look back on many years in the future. For Teacher Appreciation day, each class member could record a reason why they so much like their teacher, read a poem or remember a happy memory from the classroom.
Idea by: Julia
Together with you classmates you can make a drawing on a big paper. Cut it into pieces just like a puzzle. Every student gets one piece of the puzzle and can write a message to the teacher on it. Collect them all and give them to the teacher!
Idea by: Mike
A very useful present is a calender. Every classroom needs one! Print out the dates for your children and let them make the drawings (or paintings). Or hand out the sheets to your child and some of the other pupils.
Idea by: Laila
Considering children spend a good amount of time in school each week, there can be a notable lack of effort in the interior decoration of building – the endlessly dull corridors, tired-looking classrooms…Why not use teacher appreciation week to change this? Make a hall of fame for the teachers – a poster dedicated to every teacher with a photo and a selection of reasons why each one is so special. They can be bright, colourful and designed to the specific taste of each teacher. Definitely an improvement on grey paint and floor tiles!
Idea by: Jenni
you could draw a tree. then cut out apples and have students write why they apperiate their teacher on them.
Idea by:
Mrs.White you are a nice and halpful person and. I wish there will be more people like you in the world.
Idea by: Andrea Fernandez
Pen/pencil/highlighter bouquet. for each you will need a silk flower head, green florist tape and leaves. Wrap the bloom tightly with the tape and attach to the writing tool, continuing to wrap tape tightly around. Add silk leaves to sides & wrap. Place in recycled jar with pretty stones, add a bow, and you have a useful bouquet!
Idea by: Mary van Gemmeren
My daughter and I made a candy bouquet for her first grade teacher. We used tape (later found out hot glue is better) and attached full size candy bars to wood skewers. Next placed some floral foam in a decorative bucket and strategically placed the candy bars. We covered with some artifical moss. You can add ribbon or a bow or leave as is. Decorate as much or as little as you like. She was like a superstar walking through school. She was so proud of her candy bouquet. We now make them for occassion with mini candy bars and smaller buckets.
Idea by: Dora
Gift Card Tree - I made a gift card tree out of the wire picture holders you find at the dollar store. I pulled them off the base and arranged them in floral foam in a nice planter covered in artifical moss. As class mom, I sent a note out to all parents notifying them there would be a tree if they would like to send a gift card to fill the tree.
Idea by: Dora
Handmade braclet out of beads
Idea by: Eunice
The kids love to do this. We took a mid-size clay flower pot, had each student put their finger print on it in vivid colors, then drew flowers, bugs, etc, around each print. Around the top of the pot we printed, Thanks for helping us grow. We filled the pot with small things such as seeds, gardening gloves, and small gardening tools. This simple gift has brought smiles to many teachers faces!
Idea by: Susan, PTG pres.
Have a student or teacher from another class take a picture of your entire class. The front row of students will hold large, colorful cards spelling out "thank you" or "we appreciate you" and the date.
Idea by: Lisa Mote
Greetings: I am interested in donating bookmarks to the Teacher Appreciation Website in celebration and honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week! As a former educator, I understand the importance of recognizing the dedicated teachers that educate our students. Please contact me with information on how I may show my gratitude to the fine educators everywhere. Thank you! Dexter Humphrey www.dexterhumphrey.com Jasa Enterprises
Idea by: Dexter Humphrey
Idea by: Dana Fallentine
Teacher appreciation ideas: http://www.ehow.com/how_4574165_show-appreciation-teacher-appreciation-day.html
Idea by: Chris Lyons
Here are several ideas for inexpensive ways students can show appreciation for their teacher. The examples are fun ways for the whole class to join in on the celebration and say thank you to the teacher. http://www.ehow.com/how_4996330_celebrate-teacher-appreciation-week-day.html
Idea by: Meredith

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