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Ideas for teacher appreciation:
middle grade students

Here are some teacher appreciation ideas for middle grade kids. You can also buy a gift for teacher appreciation.

Ideas for teacher appreciation: cards middle grade studentsTEACHER APPRECIATION: APPLE PENCIL HOLDER
This is a beautiful decor object for your teacher’s desk, and it will be also useful. You can express your teacher appreciation by crafting this easy present.
How to make an apple pencil holder.

You can make your own teacher appreciation bookmark. This will make your teacher smile and remember you whenever he or she opens the book! You just need to…
  • Cut a rectangular piece cardboard, the size of an ordinary bookmark.
  • Draw on it and include your teacher appreciation message. You can also glue a picture of yourself and other very flat objects like a dried flower, a stamp, a sticker…
  • Take it to the copy shop and have the bookmark plastified.
  • Wrap it and give it to your teacher on Teachers Day or other teacher appreciation opportunity.
You need a good picture of your teacher. Then enlarge it at your nearest photo shop. Make it as big as you can. Have it glued onto a very hard base: rigid plastic, strongest cardboard or other hard material (even wooden). Now buy mosaic stones of many colours, as small as possible. Stick colour stones of the most approximate colour to the one below on the picture, until the photograph is fully covered. Let the glue dry fully before putting the frame. Now you have a teacher appreciation mosaic portrait!


Buy a big, hard piece of soap. You can use spoons, knives, keys and other metal materials to carve. Your sculpture will surely look original and special as a teacher appreciation gift.

You make a beautiful drawing and message for teacher appreciation, no bigger than a square inch. Then you take it to the local copy shop and make fifty copies on note-sized paper. You have them bound together. Your teacher appreciation notepad is ready!


Each family donates one recipe. You bind them together with a nice home-made cover! The teacher will feel appreciation whenever he or she cooks!

Each of your classmates can write or draw their teacher appreciation message in a page.

You know Monopoly, don’t you? Now, how about actually making a similar boardgame where you include your teacher, school, classmates, your town’s streets… All you need is cardboard, pens, plastic tokens and a lot of patience. It is worth because you exppress your teacher appreciation and also make an interesting game you’ll love to play later on.

This may well be one of the least original ways to express your teacher appreciation, but it’s still one of the most effective.
Tips on writing a teacher appreciation poem.
Ten ready-made teacher appreciation poems.
Ten great poems by famous writers.


Teachers will appreciate any piece of literature written to show your teacher appreciation, not just poems. These are some theme suggestions:
  • A description: Your teacher, the class, your classmates. Describe them physically and also psychologically. Be fair and respectful, but you can always include a funny joke! Ask your parents if you have doubts on a given idea for a joke.
  • A real story: your last class excursion, your holidays, a school or family event. Be a journalist reporting! Here’s an idea: “How Mr./Ms. X got really appreciated”.
  • Your own story. Let’s see the writer in you. Plot a funny, thrilling or interesting story. Don’t make it too long (a few pages will do). Your imagination will surely be an excellent teacher appreciation present.
This is a funny way for the whole class to show teacher appreciation. Just choose a song or a piece of (suitable) classic music. Write (or re-write) the lyrics making sure the new text fits well. Make it funny and respectful. You then need to find that very piece of music (just instrumental). You may find that if you look for a karaoke record containing that song. It will be a nice and original part of a teacher appreciation event to have the whole class or a group of “singers” performing your song! You can record it. The record will be a beautiful token of teacher appreciation, and also a nice souvenir to have for yourself and your classmates.


There are lots of songs suitable for a teacher appreciation opportunity. You may also know which are your teacher’s favourite songs. One option is to dedicate the chosen song to your teacher on a radio station program. You can also choose one or more songs for a teacher appreciation event. Finally, you may also wish to buy a certain record as a gift for your teacher.

There are lots of websites offering e-card greeting for various occasions. If you know your teacher’s email address, he or she will be delighted to receive a

teacher appreciation card

or e-card from you. These are some links to e-card sites:

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