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Your teacher appreciation ideas: Ideas for gifts to buy

If you know your teacher well you can buy a book that has something to do with his hobbies or buy movies from his favourite actor...For example if you know that he is a passionate angler you could buy something for his equipment. If your teacher likes watching theatre or opera then you can buy them passes to these shows.
Idea by: nadja
One thing that all teacher need is a pen! They use many of them when correcting tests and papers. It might be a good idea to tell every student in your class to buy a pen. Every student has to decorate his / her own pen (put your name on it, make nice drawings...). You can do this by buying adhesive labels. When this is finished, you buy a pencil holder to collect all the pens in. You might make this yourself using an old can you decorate. For example use thick woollen yarn and glue it on the can. You can as well use the adhesive labels again or glue pictures of your classmates on it, … Your teacher will surely be happy with the present. It’s something he / she can use, it decorates his / her desk and it reminds him / her of his students.
Idea by: Rafael
Although its popularity is certainly growing, Teacher Appreciation Day isn’t typically celebrated in the UK. However, this doesn’t mean the Brits don’t appreciate their teachers! It is usual to give a present to the teacher on their birthday and on the days that school breaks for Christmas, Easter and summer. More and more companies are releasing products designed especially for this purpose – mugs, pencil tins, stationery….However, what’s better – to me, an ex teacher – is to receive something more personal. The products are great but why not customise them with your teacher’s name or photo? Or buy your teacher something specific to what they teach? At the end of term last year, my chemistry class bought me a new lab coat. However, what made it special is that they customised it themselves with fabric pens, glitter and ribbon – I really stood out in the staff room!!
Idea by: Ansa
When people talk about teacher appreciation, it is usual for thoughts to turn straight to school; there are, however, many other “teachers” for whom teaching may not be their profession. In spite of this, I imagine they would still appreciate being told just how much help they are. For example: many children take part in extra-curricular activities such as sports or playing music – all of which will have some type of adult supervision. It is likely the children will feel closer to these teachers rather than their school teachers as they are learning about something they have chosen, something they enjoy. Furthermore, they will obviously share a passion for this activity with their teacher. These factors make showing the appreciation a lot easier. For instance, if the child attends an after-school football club, the teacher is evidently passionate about football and so tickets to a special match would make a great personal gift. Based on the same concept, an after-school music teacher would probably love tickets for a chance to go to local concert. What makes it so important to show these teachers your appreciation is that they are often giving up their free time, outside of a full time job, to impart their skills/knowledge on others; it shouldn’t be forgot that in most cases this will be unpaid.
Idea by: Olivia
Thanks for your project. I like this site. KEEP IT UP..
Idea by: Andrea
At the end of term, we bought our Geography teacher a Eurostar pass. It was flexible and so we didn’t need to ask her about holiday dates beforehand (and so her present was kept a surprise), she was really happy when she received it and brought us back lots of photos from her travels in France! The present is a different one and everyone loves travel so it was there was no danger of her being disappointed. That’s my tip – look into rail passes for your teacher, they can go much further a field than you’d imagine and happy holiday memories are always a nice gift!
Idea by: Minnie
Custom imprinted teacher gifts from www.promosontime.com
Idea by: Michael Lerner
www.Teachergifts.com Don & Velma Ramsey Teacher Appreciation Week May 4-10, 2008 Discounts to 25% on Entire Stock ID Lanyards, Tote Bags, Lapel Pins, Scarves, Key chains and more. 1-866-344-4387
Idea by: Velma Ramsey
This was my first year working on a Parent Resource Committee and one of our events was the Teacher Appreciation Week, and one of the best things that we came up with was getting the new tote bags from groceries stores "earth friendly" and filling them with teachers supplies like (pens, paper, planners, calenders, little germ X bottles, rulers, binder clips, paper clips, and folders, and treats like popcorn, water bottles, little bags of chips, crackers, and candies & Mints. We new that they could use the tote for carring their stuff in and grocery shopping.
Idea by: Heather
Although teachers get long holiday, they are restricted holidays in that they do not choose when to take them – they also have to pay top prices when going abroad because they are limited to peak season only. Because of this, for her leaving present, we choose to get our teacher a little mini break in Spain. Her husband worked at the college too and he helped us to decide the destination; the year (there was over 200 of us!) all chipped in a little to be able to afford 5 nights in one of the charming "hoteles Huelva" – she was so happy with the gift and sent us a lovely post card of thanks! It is nice to be able to make happy memories for someone!
Idea by: Alison
www.seatsack.com offers several gifts that can be personalized with the teachers name. From the Adult SEAT SACK that slides onto the back of a chair to creating an instant storage pocket, to a File Drawer Sack that slides onto the front of a drawer to provide extra storage. They also offer bags and shirts that can be personalized.
Idea by: Don
Nami Spa in Boston is offering a special offer. Bring in a copy of your teaching license and receive 20% off any 60 Minute or More Massage or Facial. Valid May 5th - May 8th
Idea by: Nicole Mills
The real happiness of teacher is to see student matured Appreciate your teacher with matured gifts to win there applause
Idea by: www.teachersday.net

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