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How to plan you teacher appreciation picnic

Planning a teacher appreciation picnic, whether it's simple or extravagant, is easy once you master the basics described below.

  1. How to plan you teacher appreciation picnicChoose a scenic venue for your outdoor teacher appreciation meal. Nearby parks, rooftops, beaches, mountain ridges or meadows are just a few ideas. You can have a picnic almost anywhere.
  2. Invite your teacher and classmates to join you in the fun.
  3. Plan a menu based on the amount of people and the load you can carry. Ask friends to bring certain items to lighten your responsibilities. Also plan the teacher appreciation activity, gift presentation or other surprise for the teacher.
  4. Outfit yourself with the necessary equipment. A picnic basket filled with plates, utensils (don't forget the bottle/can opener and corkscrew), cups, plastic containers and napkins is recommended. Pack trash bags to carry away any disposables.
  5. Line the bottom of your picnic basket with a towel or plastic to catch any spillage along the way.
  6. Pack your food. Place heavier items on the bottom and lighter ones on the top.
  7. Bring along a picnic blanket and/or folding chairs for your sitting and dining comfort. Also pack flashlights or lanterns for nighttime picnics, or in the event your daytime adventure carries on into the night.
  8. Carry sunscreen, insect repellent and extra clothing layers. You never know when you'll need them.
  9. Get going. Hop on a bus, get in your car or walk over to your favorite spot and make memories.

    Pay special attention to the view and your overall long-term comfort. You'll want to be somewhere relaxing and joyful for an extended period of time as well as be happy to be sitting there. Picnic backpacks are good replacements for picnic baskets and, generally, great for lugging anything around. Tread lightly on pathways and be respectful of others' property.

    Don't forget about flies and other annoying insects. Bring along a fly screen to protect your food, or set up a picnic table inside a large mesh tent. Otherwise, grin and bear it.

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