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Teacher Appreciation Week 2007

For the past 15 years, communities across the United States have set aside the first full week of May as Teacher Appreciation Week, with the first Tuesday being the National Teacher Appreciation Day. During this special week, students surprise their teachers with well-deserved thanks.

May 6 - May 12 will be Teacher Appreciation Week 2007. Take special care of your teachers this week, and surprise them with a gift on National Teacher Appreciation Day, May 8, 2007.

Teachers agree that good teaching is their own reward, but Teacher Appreciation Week 2007 is a great time to let teachers know how they have touched your or your kids' lives.

There are many ways to show appreciation for your teachers, for example:

  • Find former students of your school and encourage them to say a few things about the teacher who made a particular difference.
  • Find someone in the local area willing to speak at your school about the history of education. You might check with historians or education professors at a nearby college. Have lecturers highlight the people whose contributions have meant the most to the teaching profession.
  • Give your teachers a little present every day during Teacher Appreciation Week, for example a chocolate, and add a little poem to make it extra special.
So don’t forget about National Teacher Appreciation Day on May 8, 2007 and make that extra effort for your special teacher!

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